Dogs are just like human, they also have emotions. As a pet owner/ pet lover, we want our best bud to be happy. The question is, “How can we make them happy?” Are we just the ones feeling good when we see them, touch them and talk to them? Happy dog—heathy dog.
These are the signs that your dog is happy:
Good appetite
Loves playing/walking
Loves being touched/usually leans unto you
Excited seeing you
What if you see the signs the other signs? Will you just let this pass and go on with you day? I don’t think you can do this as being a pet lover means you feel for them. That’s why you adopted them to become part of the family. So here are some steps you can do to make sure you will have a happy dog:
Develop a routine for your pet
Have a daily exercise with them
Schedule a playtime for your pet
Just like human, have a regular check up with your vet
Now that you already know how to have one happy dog, I hope you enjoy your day with your amazing dog!
